Hi, let me introduce you myself.
My real name is “Chloé Carrière”
I am an aerospace engineer and science communicator who wishes to bridge the gap between science and society. Not afraid to challenge status quo, I act as a role model for the next generation and want to modernize the way we communicate about science.
With an engineering degree in Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship from EPFL, I am the founder of the company Galactic Studios, building a better world through science communication, education, and positive influence, linked to current societal challenges.
As a science influencer, I host, under the name “Galactic Chloé”, my own YouTube channel and inspire the public through interactive presentations on social networks. After being honored by the International Astronautical Federation and the European Space Agency and winning the title of “NextGen Hero”, I, one day, dream to become a Moon-walker.
At 15 years old, I fell in love with the space sector by going to a local outreach event with my mother. I met with researchers from the European Space Agency, working on the Planck Mission. After seeing the results called the “Cosmic Microwave Background” – I couldn’t see myself doing anything else in life.

So I joined EPFL as a physics student with the dream to become an astrophysicist but everything didn’t go according to plan. I failed my first year and had to retake it. I seized the opportunity of the extra-time given to me to knock on doors of the space community which lead to the foundation of two organizations: Space@yourService and the Asclepios project, that I led during several years.

Thanks to these extracurricular activities, I discovered that I did not belong in pure research but rather on the field building space projects. Thus I joined the EPFL Masters in Management of Technologies and Entrepreneurship with a specialization in space technologies. With a fellowship at swissnex San Francisco in Science Communication, Galactic Chloé started to emerge. I soon built a youtube channel with my university and was invited on international stages and in the media to share my passion for space.

Trajectory adjustments
In the middle of my Masters, life had decided to put another challenge on my path. A domestic accident took my left eyesight therefore putting an end to my goal of becoming an astronaut. But it left me with so many valuable life lessons like the importance of feeling fulfilled in what you do.

In orbit
Ending my studies with a master thesis at the European Space Agency, working in the Earth Observation department, I realized that what I thought was my life-long objective didn’t meet my expectations and fit my values. Noticing the strong changes needed in the sector in terms of innovation management but also inclusiveness, I decided to create an environment that would encourage these transformations.

To the Moon
This is when I decided to become a full-time entrepreneur by founding Galactic studios, a science communication company aiming to bridge the gap between science and society. In the meantime, I also founded my family by giving birth to our little boy.

What’s next ?

I’m usually depicted as an optimist with my smile on. This is because I believe the line between optimism and pessimism is trust. And I prefer to trust that the future will be better!

Life is changing all the time. I choose to welcome this change and become the best version of myself everyday. It’s not easy but I love the challenge! This is done also through sport – and especially pole dancing that I perform in competition but also a teacher at Spin’n Fly Lausanne.

How can a message be successfully heard? If it comes from the heart. I choose to show myself as I am, some parts of my personal life as a wife and mother, when I’m vulnerable through self-reflections and my evolution through life.

We are all astronauts on the spaceship Earth and yet we are not always behaving as a team. I’d like to raise the voices that remain unheard and give a seat at the table for everyone, no matter the origin, age, or gender.